Jennifer Hudson signs to Interscope Records...

This week, it was announced that television personality Jennifer Hudson has snagged a new deal with Interscope Records. Vice chairman of Interscope Steve Berman said in a statement that, “Jennifer has made so many important contributions to global musical culture.” The EGOT award winner has thrived in everything BUT music. Perhaps she's determined to prove to everyone that she's so much more than just a Whitney/Aretha tribute act.


Jojo said...

She will be dropped in a year

Anonymous said...

I've never really liked her voice or her personality, or her songs for that matter (minus Spotlight and Where You At). Jennifer just never had the likability factor in the same way Fantasia did. But she is a great singer and actress. I'm not into Christmas albums so won't be checking for it but a regular album with decent producers might grab my attention.

Anonymous said...

Great singer, but the industry is dead. Who cares if you are signed with a major record label?? Means nothing and she isn't going to move any albums. Girl, continue with your talk show and get coin doing private shows.