Janet Jackson reportedly ‘listens’ to her MAGA brother Randy...

Janet Jackson’s brother Randy doesn't just control her career. He plants her head with conspiracy theories, which is most likely where she got the idea from that the father of Kamala Harris is white. A source tells Page Six that Janet listens to her brother Randy, who is a “Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist.” Her late brother Michael was very chummy with Trump as well. Janet is fiercely loyal to her brother so she probably won't consider finding herself new management. She fired her father when he was her manager, so firing family is not beneath her if it's done for the greater good (and in this case it would be). 


Anonymous said...

She doesnt really seem to have a mind on her own, does she? Remember when she suddenly was muslim and ran around all covered up?

Anonymous said...

Well she was married to a muslim and living in a muslim country - it kinda went with the territory.