Thursday 18 January 2024

Ariana Grande announces 7th studio album "Eternal Sunshine."

Apparently, Ariana Grande is covering her eyes on the cover of her newly announced seventh studio album "Eternal Sunshine", symbolizing that she now chooses not to see criticism. Also announced was the highly anticipated project’s release date (March 8th) and the unveiling of multiple album covers. Her "Eternal Sunshine" announcement comes on the heels of her new single “Yes, And?,” a Madonna sampling dance cut throwing jabs towards the general public and their fixation on her personal life. 

Who's excited for this new release?

1 comment:

  1. She Became My Favorite POP Star, When She Performed God Is A Woman At The MTV Award Back In 2018, Them Vocals NASTY. However I'm Not Feeling This Song Though.
