Friday 15 December 2023

Nicki Minaj claims Billboard is trying to sabotage her...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Nicki Minaj says that Billboard will remove 100K sales from the debut week of ‘Pink Friday 2’ because she ran a contest requiring fans to show proof of buying four copies of the album. She reveals that she has already sold 300k units in its debut week but Billboard is planning on filtering out that 100k. Receipts or not, encouraging your fans to buy four copies of your album to help drive up your numbers (an album in which 8 versions are being sold for $5) is a form of chart manipulation. Billboard has always been against this, banning the use of bulk buying which went into effect as early as last year. Sometimes I feel like this woman is her own worst enemy. She has been in the game far too long to be THIS chart obsessed when she should just be letting her music speak for itself.  


And for further emphasis:
Billboard is filtering her sales because her album has 22 songs and the vinyl's only have 10.



  1. Didn't Nicki complain about another artist doing this since years back? Travis Scott or something? Now she's doing it and no one is supposed to say anything.. girl, bye. Go be with your rapist husband and Shut all the way TF up..I cannot stand Nicki, too talented to have a messed up personality..

    1. And if Travis Scott and other artists can do it then why can’t Nicki? Do you know her personally or is that you can’t stand her because something about her brings up your own insecurities? And that makes you feel envious towards her and the only way you can describe what you’re feeling is…”I can’t stand Nicki.”🤣🤣🤣

  2. And to the writer, Nicki is the last to be chart obsessed. She’s going to chart no matter what. The problem is this…other artists have done this same thing. No one said anything about it. Nicki was the only one that brought it up publicly. However, now that Nicki has done the same thing as Taylor Swift, Travis Scott and others…It’s making headlines and is a problem. Taylor Swift always releases multiple versions of her album. That’s why it’s hard to beat her. Her last album she released like 8 to 11 different versions. No one said anything. Did you write an article about that? Or do you just have a personal bias towards Nicki?

    1. Lol whew… nicki is just obsessed with the charts as you are with( in case you missed my point you a lamb of little nicki’s. Please research what you talking about. What nicki is doing is called FRAUD just like she is. She is trying to dilute her true sales for a certification or a position on the charts. But let her have it if she wants to pitch a fit over it. Everybody knows the truth and she will have to live with the fact she faked it just like she is. Byeeee
