Friday 15 December 2023

Cardi B has an online meltdown over her estranged husband...

So your estranged husband is a "b*tch ass n*gga." So do what normal people do and pay him dust, divorce his cheating ass and raise your kids. No need to expose your dirty laundry in public. Instead, what Cardi B does is goes on Instagram Live to rant and rave over Offset. She is cussing him out, f-bombs everywhere and crying. She is highly emotional. The worst thing a woman can do is show a man how much he hurt her, because it gives them too much power and they thrive off that woman's pain. That's one thing my mother always use to tell me. NEVER let a man see you cry. The video is coming across like a PR stunt before we get the announcement that they're back together again. It will be like none of this had ever happened.


1 comment:

  1. I guess that's just her way of processing what she's dealing with. And he's probably already seen her cry over him a dozen times before.
