Wednesday 1 November 2023

Britney Spears’ memoir the subject of a bidding war...

It has only been a week since Britney Spears released her bombshell memoir 'The Woman In Me,' and it was littered with many a shock revelation that even I'm still recovering from (and no doubt still has Justin Timberlake reeling). The book has generated so much publicity and juicy headlines that it has now become the subject of a bidding war. Deadline reports that a bidding war has broken out over the rights to the book, which her agent has suggested could be a TV series, a documentary or a feature film. 

 From Deadline:
We’re told bids are coming in already, even though CAA has put it out there that it could be a TV series, a feature film or a documentary. Spears has been well represented in the latter medium with two films that helped galvanize the “Free Britney” movement and helped end the conservatorship. A recent feature on pop diva Whitney Houston was not successful, and one Madonna planned to direct about her own story cratered in pre-production; it seems like the most fertile ground might be in the limited series category.
How many documentaries do we actually need? Unless this documentary is the first one in which Britney approves and has her say I honestly don't see the point. I do like the idea of a Netflix TV series. I think that could be quite good especially if she came on board as an executive producer. But even then, her life story being serialised can still be looked at as an on screen biography which she wouldn't really be keen on. In her own exact words, "Dude, I'm not dead!" Prior to a couple of mainstream documentaries about her life during the height of the #FreeBritney movement, Britney has already expressed her frustration towards them. “From what I did see of it, I was embarrassed by the light they put me in,” she said. “They criticize the media and then do the same thing," adding these docs focus on “humiliating moments from the past.” Britney wrote on Instagram over the weekend, “Volume 2 will be released next year … get ready!!!” but then deleted the post a few hours later. Sources close to Britney told Variety that there is no volume 2 of "The Woman in Me" in the works. Thoughts on a possible 'The Woman In Me' TV series, feature film or documentary?

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