Friday 2 June 2023

Britney Spears ❝allows❞ sons to move to Hawaii with Kevin Federline...

Was Kevin Federline actually born with a conscience? Britney Spears has stated multiple times on Instagram that she loves her children and would like to mend their fractured relationship. Any chance of that happening diminishes the moment her children move to Hawaii. And if she agreed, it was done reluctantly... BUT with love. It's bad enough K-Fed swooped in and took full custody of the kids just so that he could bleed millions out of her in child support. 

Then on top of that, he supported the conservatorship just so that the bleeding could continue. K-Fed's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan tells PEOPLE that Britney has in deed "consented" to her children moving to Hawaii with their father this summer. The kids’ stepmom, Victoria Prince, reportedly has a job offer at a university in Hawaii, while Federline has DJ opportunities there. All that child support should have secured him a decent amount of savings, so why is he and wife Victoria being SUED by West Valley Christian School for refusing to pay for their daughter's educational fees? Britney does love her children deeply. It's actually not surprising she has agreed to this if her sons want it too. She's probably a bit sad, because they no longer live down the street. Although she has the money to visit them whenever she wants, it's not the same. Hopefully, Victoria Prince's job pays well. Because DJing at hotels and clubs will only pay him nuggets. If K-Fed ever faces eviction, he will be breakdancing his way back to Cali and begging Britney to extend that child support he has lived on so lavishly for the past 16 years.


  1. I do feel very bad for her when it comes to him! I can’t imagine getting knocked up twice by a gold digger only to have to pay child and spousal support only for him to just up and leave to Hawaii in the end. That’s very low!

  2. This makes my blood boil ugh. I wish him the absolute worst.
