Too little too late? Madonna desperate to get her old face back...

An insider reportedly reveals that Madonna was deeply "affected" by the criticism she received after terrifying everyone at the Grammy Awards. She is now reportedly undergoing procedures to revert to her more natural looks before performing during her first concert on July 15th. 

Body dysmorphia is certainly a bitch. More to the point, it is quite tragic that it had to take being criticized online for her to see that she did too much to her face. I don't see what she can do to get her old face back, because too much damage has already  been done. It will probably take some sort of Harry Potter wizardry to do a miraculous go-back-in-time transformation. Madonna was not a bad looking woman when she was in her 50s. She just went overboard with the plastic surgery all because she was super obsessed with looking young. The doctors that ruined her face profited from her insecurities and mental illness (as they did with the late great Michael Jackson). They deserve to be named and shamed. No one maintains their youthful looks forever unless blessed with really good genes. But good genes isn't a luxury for everyone. There are alternative ways to maintaining youth such as how you take care of yourself, which will then determine how we age. Women like Jennifer Lopez and Janet Jackson may dabble with the odd tweaking here and there but they are still appreciated for not doing too much with their faces while managing to still look like themselves. 


Anonymous said...

Um, sorry but Janet is not the best example to quote. I've seen pics where she hasn't looked that much different to Madonna, sometimes her cheeks are all puffy and her eyes very small like Lil Kim, and her nose is starting to resemble Michael and LaToya's more and more with each appearance.

Toya said...

But Janet has had the same nose from the 80s and her cheeks have always been naturally plump. What I'm trying to say is that she does not look completely unrecognisable from 30 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Janet's Poetic Justice nose is definitely not the sane nose she has today. I get your point, but my point is it doesn't really matter if you've had 1 body modification or 50, the reason for doing so is usually the same; you're unhappy with an element of your being so it's u fair to judge one more harshly than the other imo.