Wednesday 19 April 2023

Jesy Nelson emotionally responds to media pitting her & Little Mix against each other...

Jesy said she has not spoken to her former bandmates Little Mix in two years. Despite the loss of contact, she still roots for them. Of course positivity doesn't sell. And why should it? The majority of us are entertained by mess. Following her interview with The Sun, the tabloid rag put her on the front cover of their paper with a very clickbait headline. Jesy not speaking to her former bandmates in two years is actually a non-story altogether, and yet they found an angle and a story.

That's what they do though. Or was it a very slow news day at the office? Better yet, don't they have other things to focus on? Like relentlessly harassing Meghan Markle? Today, Jesy was their marked target. Tomorrow, it will be somebody else. 

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