Sunday 23 April 2023

Britney Spears memoir hit with possible gagging order from her father...

Britney Spears may very well be prevented from telling her real story in her upcoming memoir. Apparently, her father Jamie Spears has made sure his legal team is ready to take action if anything in the book merits any untruths or libel. Publisher Simon & Schuster are reportedly concerned about the lawsuit threats since her father could very well contest several accusations that he abused and mistreated her during her 13-year conservatorship. 

An associate of Jamie Spears said he will not "simply let his daughter write what she wants about him and destroy his reputation." Meanwhile, a friend of her father says he is "not happy" and adds, "Britney will not get to print and say what she wants." Britney signed a $15-million memoir deal and the book is expected to be out at the end of the year.

It is faaaaar too late to be worrying about a "destroyed" reputation. It has been destroyed. OBLITERATED. He is up there with Prince Andrew, Harvey Weinstein and R. Kelly as some of today's disgraced men who will NEVER get back any modicum of respect. In fact, just like those men, he will eventually leave this earth a very tarnished, f*cked up legacy. Would the book even be worth reading if she is not able tell her raw, uncut version of the abuse she encountered at her father's hands? We pretty much know a significant amount of the abuse she went through due to her shocking testimony in 2021. 

We know he has allegedly been stealing millions from her. We know he allegedly drugged her when she didn't want to work and forced her into a mental institution. We know he allegedly forced her to have an IUD to prevent pregnancy, and we know he had her bedroom tapped so that he could listen in on private conversations. The list is endless. Those are just some of the things WE KNOW OF. There is MUCH MORE to the abuse that have yet to be relayed to the public which is what Britney wants to publish. But may not be able to. If her father is trying to block her from revealing damning information about her abuse, it is because he knows it's true but does not want that type of information coming out about him. His reputation is already shot to the pits of hell. He may as well let the girl tell HER TRUTH in peace. It's the least he can do.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure there are ways around it - she doesn't have to explicitly name him for everyone to know who she's referring to.
