Sunday 16 April 2023

Beyoncé: 5 years of Beychella...

Coachella made zero noise this year.

Beychella really set the bar so high. Not only as a performance but as a whole event. Beyoncé the real MVP, coming back in epic fashion, one year after having babies. No one can compare, and I mean... literally NO ONE. The weekend has been so pin-drop silent that you could even be forgiven for actually forgetting Coachella was even happening.

Relive the magic...


  1. Wow, damn, if it wasn't for this post & FOX Sports analyst Joy Taylor's Instagram pics, I totally would've never known that Coachella happened. I agree that Beyonce showed us all that she's BIGGER THAN COACHELLA!

  2. And bigger than JayZ nose.
