Tuesday 28 February 2023

Janet Jackson fans in uproar after her OWN NEPHEW slut shames her for being overly sexual...

“My aunt got a lot dirtier than my uncle.” 

Do not rile up Janet Jackson's fanbase. They don't give two sh*ts if you're a relative. Your ass is getting toasted! Her nephew TJ Jackson of 3T fame learnt that the hard way when he said he didn't like Janet doing the S&M segment at her concerts. He said that as a father to young daughters, he disliked the objectification of women, particularly black women in music. And for having an opinion (which REALLY wasn't that bad), folks threw all of his relatives' dirt in his face. On that note, he could easily have made the same points without mentioning Janet, which is why he got dragged in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. He simply aired his view on a dislike, and from what I gather it was a response to a question he was ASKED. People are off their heads, I steer clear of social media for this reason.
