Tuesday 8 November 2022

Has Beyoncé’s latest album ❝Renaissance❞ underperformed?

According to multiple sources, Beyoncé's label expected her latest album 'Renaissance' to sell 3 million units in 3 months. However, 'Renaissance' has not even hit the one million mark after 3 months. Remember those days when it was really easy for Beyoncé to hit 1 million in her second and third weeks? And this was before the digital era took effect when she was achieving this with PURE album sales (not streams). Mind you, she use to grind, and put her ass to work back then. Today is a different story. Now don't get me wrong, in no means is 926,000 units since release a flop (she will definitely get that Platinum certification before the end of the year.) However, this may very well serve as a wake-up call that album roll-outs need visuals!


  1. I might be wrong but I think that’s actually the point she try to prove to the label & execs: “I can go platinum w/out visuals, performances, interviews & whatnot. Just letting the music speaks for itself”.
    Kinda of “egotrip”. Lets see if by dec 31st, she’ll be right

  2. But we know she did film videos. I don't understand why she didn't release it. Unless there is some bigger plan, maybe the videos she filed were trash?

  3. Not one of those sources were credible. How they expect her to sell 3 million in 3 months when she never done that even when was promoting back in the day. That was all made up crap. Before anyone can make estimations one must take in account the current musical climate. For this current state of music, the album is doing very well. Especially given the fact Beyoncé almost pretends it doesn’t even exist. No promo, videos, interviews. Nothing and still platinum. I’d say job well done.
