Thursday 27 October 2022

Britney Spears denies shading ❝beautiful queen❞ Selena Gomez...

Another controversial post and delete. Another clarification following some backlash. It is pretty safe to say Britney Spears is fast becoming my favourite soap opera. Last night, she clarifies that she was not shading her friend Selena Gomez in a recent Instagram post. In fact, Britney reveals she has not even seen the video for BLACKPINK's ❝Ice Cream❞ with Selena, who she has ❝so much respect for.❞ Her words, below.


  1. Whatever. She should just stop. It’s all very well her criticising her own child for speaking out about his concerns, but she’s proving him right over and over again. I’d be embarrassed too if my mother was putting similar posts on her Facebook or Instagram page.

  2. We all know Brit is shading these girls! You say what you need to say to make yourself feel better then backtrack and say you weren’t shading anyone. Girl! I lost track of how many people Brit has unnecessarily name-dropped and brought into her petty drama!
