Tuesday 9 August 2022


Hi, you lot. Just a quick note. Over the past few months, I've been having a lot of technical issues with my blog and no matter how hard I've tried to resolve these issues, nothing has prevailed. It just takes the fun out of blogging which explains why my frequency has been very on and off lately. I've now decided to jump ship and return to my old blogspot. Maybe if these issues resolves themselves I may return to the site but until then I have now relocated to https://toyas-world.blogspot.com/


  1. That layout isn’t user-friendly AT ALL!

  2. Also, don’t know if it’s just my phone, but all the pics seemed reeeally stretched/elongated.

  3. What browser are you using? It works fine with Chrome.

  4. If anyone else is having issues, let me know.

  5. Safari. I’ll try with Chrome - thanks.

  6. Please change the layout.

  7. On my phone it’s the images are stretched. I’m using safari

  8. This is anon from 17:00 on 9th Aug. I’ve tried Chrome too and it’s the same issue; images are stretched and loads of ads pop up whenever you press on a story.

  9. I don't know why that's happening. If you click on an image, a gallery should pop up and you should be able the view the images in their correct dimensions. The site shows up fine on a laptop/desktop. It seems to be a mobile issue unfortunately :(

  10. "Also, don’t know if it’s just my phone, but all the pics seemed reeeally stretched/elongated."

    You have to rotate your phone to landscape. This layout was not designed to view the other way on the mobile site sadly.

  11. Thanks - it is better, but I’m not used to having to view the pics so enlargened. Are you not able to go back to your old blog spot layout - the purple and black? I think that’s been the best one yet.

  12. There are a lot of themes I wish I could go back to, but sadly the biggest issue with an outdated theme is security and functionality. Old coding just isn't compatible with all the new plugins so I always have to switch from time to time. Hope in time you get use to it, but I'll probably end up changing it in a few months anyway.

  13. okay, cool - thanks and I'm still checking for you boo
