Monday 2 May 2022

And it begins: Britney’s fiancé wants ❝substantial increases❞

Britney Spears’ fiancé Sam Asghari reportedly wants ❝substantial increases❞  in spousal support. That's for every 5 years of marriage so that he doesn't end up ❝penniless❞ if they eventually separate. Um... how about get a job first so that if you DO separate you have your OWN assets to fall back on? Hate to say it, but Stevie Wonder saw this coming a mile off. US Weekly may be a horrible source but this isn't so farfetched. The Free Britney brigade owes Octavia Spencer an apology. Poor chick is about to get Federlined. He's going to claim full custody after a divorce isn't he? Then she gets ordered to pay a massive $50k a month in child AND spousal support. Brit deserves to be genuinely loved, and sadly for her, dude played one hell of a long con!

1 comment:

  1. I somehow dont believe this story.. he had his own things going on… i really hooe he is being genuine
