Wednesday 2 February 2022

Rita Ora covers the February 2022 issue of ❝Vogue Arabia.❞

The Masked Singer's Rita Ora must have a dossier of dirt on the industry why she constantly stays getting booked all the time. The ambitious socialite is photographed by Jeremy Choh for Vogue Arabia's February 2022 issue.
Rita is receiving some support after that dweeb Boris Johnson walks around suffering zero consequences for the many parties he had during peak time lockdown. I mean, Rita paid a hefty fine so why isn't Boris paying any penalties for breaking lockdown rules? The British tax-paying public want answers. And I'm sure Rita does too! 

1 comment:

  1. I love it that you call her a socialite! That is what she is to me as well. If I had vocal abilities like her, I certainly would know what to do.
