Monday 31 January 2022

Aus network slammed for censoring Janet Jackson’s MJ support...

Fans of Michael and Janet Jackson are fuming that her tell-all Lifetime documentary was deceitfully re-edited by Australian network Stan. 
Many fans that watched the documentary in Australia rushed to social media to express their disgust at the network for removing Janet's vocal support of her brother Michael in regards to the allegations. This was seemingly edited out to fit their negative narrative. Isn't it weird that a television network would go out of their way to do this?! Everyone is going to have their own conflicting beliefs and opinions in regards to the allegations. However, if they did not want to broadcast Janet showing love to her brother, they were better off not broadcasting the documentary at all! 

ETA: The network is now claiming the documentary was sent to them that way by the international distributor. The UK will air the documentary later tonight. Let's see which version gets broadcast.


  1. Toya you seen the news on Twitter? Rihannas confirmed her pregnancy? 😃

  2. It was the only part of the documentary that I found uncomfortable as I have mixed feelings about the allegations. But she obviously had to address it and it was wrong of whoever took the decision to try to white-wash it out of the documentary to do so.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
