Monday 13 December 2021

Britney Spears DRAGS Diane Sawyer for villainizing her almost 20 years ago.

Britney Spears drags Diane Sawyer for THAT horrible, 
sexist interview 18 years ago. 
A predatory Sawyer made Britney cry and portrayed the singer as a villain after her highly publicised break-up with Justin Timberlake. In a reflective Instagram post, she reveals her dad, manager and three other men forced her to do the interview in her home when she was just 21, almost 22-years-old. 

She could barely speak because she was so upset from the aftermath of that break-up. Sawyer asked her, ❝are you a woman or a girl?❞ and Britney only wishes she replied with, ❝ma'am, I'm a Catholic slut! You wanna join me at a mass and I can serve your husband my certificate on shopping for anonymous players?❞ 

Britney fans waited 18 years for this dragging. Who'd have thought this was the energy they needed on this random ass Monday afternoon?


  1. She should save all this juicy tea for a memoir or tell all with Oprah instead of for free on Insta. I get that she has this new-found freedom which is empowering, but even the best of them have publicists and PR teams for a reason.

  2. In a previous post she said she is still keeping things to herself... the full unfiltered story is yet to be told, and yes, her tell-all is going to be mind blowing!

  3. Fair enough. A new album is all I'm interested in hearing tbh. "Glory" was okay, but it was no "Blackout" or "Femme Fatale" (my fave BS albums) by a long shot.

  4. 'Blackout' and 'In The Zone' for me.
