Wednesday 15 December 2021

Alicia Keys new album ❝Keys❞ on its way to flopville sadly | Sales Predictions

Alicia Keys performed songs from her newly released album 
❝Keys❞ at the Today Plaza yesterday morning.
The album is predicted to debut at #20 on the Billboard 200 selling a paltry 30,000 units in first week sales (SPS). This would make such charting her lowest Billboard 200 debut to date.

Keys is very talented, but she is struggling to find her place in a genre she was once at the top of for a very long time. It is well established she produces, writes, and performs so her talent can't be denied. However, something is missing from this new music. 

Get the old producers back! 


  1. Her career really took a hit after Mashonda said she wrecked her marriage.

    I haven't listened to the album, but the first single didn't grab me. She did a feature with Lil Mama, that would have been big for the both of them.

  2. The only song I like is "Come For Me", and that's largely owing to Khalid. 26 songs is unnecessary - it makes it difficult to gain an overall "feel" for the album and qll the songs just merge into one long repetitive drab. Same reason I was turned off giving Chris Brown's "Indigo" album a listen. Sometimes less is more.

  3. All we need is 10-12 amazing songs on one album, no filler. Most of us would rather that than an album with 30 songs and only 3 are worth listening to.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Precisely. I forgot CB's "Heartbreak on a Full Moon" album which contains 45 songs and is nearly 3 hours long - who has the time?! 🙄

  6. It also takes away from the qualitative listening experience. Quality over quantity any day.

  7. you guys are so right, who has time to listen to more than like 10 songs in a row! haha Back in the days we didnt have a choice cause we popped in the cd and we did not have this much coice haha
