Tuesday 30 November 2021

Watch: Rihanna declared ❝National Hero❞ at republican celebrations #Barbados

Last night, Rihanna attended the Inauguration of Barbados' 
first President Dame Sandra Mason.
She was also declared the 11th National Hero of Barbados 
at its republican celebrations in Bridgetown.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty stocks just went up again. Yes, honey. This woman, queen of Barbados... is a trailblazer! Her title will now be, The Right Honourable Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Could not have happened to a more deserving person. She WILL continue to shine like a diamond! 
Barbados will no longer owe allegiance to Queen Elizabeth II as head of state, ending ties with the country that legalised slavery on the island in 1661. Barbados is now an independent nation with Sandra Mason as its FIRST president, Mia Mottley as its Prime Minister and Rihanna as a National Hero and Ambassador for Barbados! 
Black women in power! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of her! Being a Caribbean girl myself (Haitian), she gives me so much inspiration and hope! May Almighty God continues to bless her.
