Tuesday 30 November 2021

Normani on the release date of her debut album: ❝Summer 2045 is gonna be lit!❞

When asked by Entertainment Tonight about her debut album 
release date, Normani replied, Summer is gonna be lit! 
Anyone that knows Normani should know by now to take 
anything she says with a grain of salt. 

Normani gets asked this question so many times!  She now has to improvise an answer to a point where it can actually be seen as trolling. Do we even care if she releases this album anymore? Is the interest and hype still there? 
It would look really bad if she were to say she was clueless about her upcoming career path. The reality of the situation is that sis has no idea when or if her album is ever coming out. We’ve gone from end of the year to top of the year to soon and now we’ve arrived at seasons with summer❞. So she's kind of switching things up now. Then summer will creep up and she will be like, ❝A winter album is going to be lit!  


  1. Normani should have released that album back in 2019... Chloe will release her album before she does....

  2. maybe she should be thinking about how to maximize her 15 min fame n get the immediate money instead of dropping an album that the general public has no interest at all。。。 yet gotta admit she has the second beat solo career among all the 5H members....btw is the public interested in camilia anymorr? seems her recent singles all underperformed..

  3. Normani should be a little more honest about the album, instead of giving "her fans" this false hope. The new single is not even here yet, she doesn't even tease with snippets or anything.

    5H should have stayed together and released a few more albums, because none of them are killing the game, Camilla included.
