Monday 29 November 2021

Leona Lewis slammed by viewers for ❝shocking❞ vocals on ITV | ❝One More Sleep.❞

Leona Lewis performed her Christmas hit One More Sleep on 
ITV's This Morning and her vocals were quite shocking.
The painfully out of tune performance, pre-recorded on November 
16th, was broadcast today and is getting a lot of criticism.

Out of all of her performances, this is by far the worst vocal performance she has probably ever done. If she was sick or suffering from laryngitis she should have stayed her pretty little ass home, because now she is getting dragged to hell and back for serving p*ss poor vocals on TV. I'm just going to assume she was sick since this performance was recorded two weeks ago. 
Now that she is currently touring with Gary Barlow, I know she cannot be serving these type of vocals every night. Check out what viewers had to say about the very underwhelming performance below. 

A clip of the actual performance:
And here is the critical commentary:


  1. Leona hasnt sounded great for like 10yrs. I think its a combination of the nose job and her underlying health condition. Either way its sad to see

  2. Love her. She was the next Mariah Carey.
    Do t what happened though.

  3. All those miserable moaning Twitter Karen's sat at home in bed watching This Morning whilst Leona is out earning a coin need to just get a life. Granted it wasn't her best vocal, but I don't think it was slate-worthy either. She's human, she's allowed an off day at work like the rest of us.

  4. @B List - The next Mariah Carey? What are you smoking? At no point in her career has she matched or rivalled Mariah's prime vocal capability. Leona and her team certainly positioned her to be a modern day early 90s era Mariah and she approached that in terms of image, but neither her catalog or ability were ever close. Leona was however a very capable singer with a beautiful tone despite the slow, laboured vibrato and tendency to end phrases with an off key sounding yelp.
