Sunday 21 November 2021

Justin Timberlake trashed by Janet Jackson fans after new documentary airs...

Justin Timberlake is currently trending on 
social media and not for good reasons.
Malfunction: The Dressing Down of Janet Jackson premiered on Hulu and FX on Friday, fuelling the Twitter hashtag #JusticeForJanet. Justin Timberlake is now trending, and facing renewed criticism following ❝Framing Britney Spears.❞ The New York Times’ latest documentary details incidents leading to the infamous nipplegate scandal and its subsequent fallout during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. The incident saw Janet's career suffer hugely, while JT's career not only didn't suffer but FLOURISHED as a result. So... from what I understand, JT's new album will definitely NOT see the light of day in the near future then?

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