Thursday 18 November 2021

Jennifer Lopez releases trailer & single ❝On My Way❞ for new film, ❝Marry Me❞ ♫♫

Jennifer Lopez releases her new single, On My Way, from the
 soundtrack of her new romcom, Marry Me.
J.Lo's ancestors told her she could be a ballad singer right after Adele dropped a powerhouse performance of ❝To Be Loved.❞ Releasing a ballad when your vocals are known to be mocked and jeered your entire career and especially releasing one smack bang in the middle of Adele season is always a good idea. On My Way is cheesy but could potentially become a wedding staple. It is giving Limitless part two, and she doesn't sound hideous. At least she is really trying her hardest to emote each and every note. Fans got a first taste of the song when she performed it two months ago at the Global Citizen Festival. Some people actually enjoy her empowering anthems so I'm certainly not going to begrudge them of that.

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