Monday 29 November 2021

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck pretend to be annoyed by the paparazzi...

As expected, Jennifer Lopez was videoed piling on the PDA 
with boyfriend Ben Affleck over the weekend.
The PDA occurred during a romantic date night at Wolfgang 
Puck's legendary Beverly Hills eatery, Spago. 

Ben has always hated the paparazzi. However, attention hungry J.Lo BREATHES them and accusingly has them on speed dial. It's funny seeing her feign annoyance at their presence when she always had this insatiable need to appear in public. 
They could easily have waited inside for their driver to come round. But that would also mean losing out on all important photo op. The crazy thing is, J.Lo frantically fears falling into this gaping black hole of irrelevance. Everyone knows Spago is a paparazzi hotspot... 
But uh... lets give these a*sholes a four minute display of PDA and act annoyed.

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