Sunday 7 November 2021

Britney Spears’ ex-manager also blamed for the ❝Astroworld❞ fest tragedy...

Britney Spears and Travis Scott have one thing in common. 
Money-hungry Lou Taylor. 
The week gets worse for Taylor whose company TriStar reportedly organized 
Scott's ill-fated Astroworld❞ festival, leaving eight people dead and 300 injured. 
Britney’s embattled ex-business manager is also currently Scott’s manager (the same woman who allegedly embezzled $600 million from Britney during her CONservatorship.) TriStar and Lou Taylor are responsible for taking care of the financial part of the artist, the management, and potentially the security budgets of ❝Astroworld.❞ Seemingly, everything was done to spend the least money on security, and bring in the maximum. 
As seen  with Britney Spears, TriStar has a management that is allegedly based only on profit. Britney claimed in her explosive testimony in June that she had been forced to perform while sick with a 104-degree fever. Cancellation was not an option! She recalls a moment in 2018, where she was threatened by management. They threatened to sue her if she did not go on tour. She ended up doing the tour out of fear. Once the tour was over, a new show was put in place for Vegas. 

She struggled with rehearsals because she had been doing Vegas for four years and needed a break in between. Her words. Someone in a conservatorship is not supposed to work so ruthlessly or be forced to do so! 

Fast forward to November 5th, 2021.  A large crowd pushes their way to the front of the stage at the ❝Astroworld❞ festival in Houston causing people to get trampled on. Some even going into cardiac arrest. Travis stopped his show a few times asking security to help those he saw in distress. But it was nowhere near enough. Turns out that the heavily sponsored-show had contracts in place, one mainly from Apple who were live streaming the event world wide and why organizers were extremely hesitant to stop the show *completely* Money was put ahead of human lives. 

When concertgoers begged security to stop the show, they reportedly responded, “we’re streaming live, we can’t just stop the show.” There are literally videos of Travis watching unconscious bodies getting carted off IN FRONT OF HIM, while he presses on with the performance. 

This is why people are not buying his video apology posted to his Instagram Stories especially where he states how much his fans mean to him. This is made worse by his girlfriend Kylie Jenner who says in her own statement that they were not aware of the fatalities until it was all over. Kylie actually filmed an ambulance at the event! They saw everything! Even if management told him to continue, his moral compass should have directed him to do the right thing and take the hit, sponsors or not! 

This week, Lou Taylor just filed legal docs asking the judge in Britney's conservatorship case to prevent Britney's attorney Mathew Rosengart from having full access to accounting reports related to the conservatorship. Apparently Taylor believes he should not be allowed to go back that far arousing suspicions that she definitely has something to hide...

Britney's reported net worth is around $60 million, but many fans believe it should have been at least triple times that amount. If this is a bad week for Taylor, well, let's just say this... she hasn't seen HELL yet. 

1 comment:

  1. Corruption 😢🙏🏽 Judicial system... Britney is strong, intelligent and talented..
    How do we help the hundreds of thousands who are not in the eyes of the public? Britney Spears was locked up in plain sight for 13 years..
