Tuesday 16 November 2021

Adele addresses weight loss backlash: ❝It’s not my job to validate people.❞

Oprah Winfrey, who has her own history with weight being a source of public debate, asked Adele about her recent transformation. 

During her CBS special ❝One Night Only,❞ Adele says she is not shocked because her body has been a topic her whole career. She never looked up to anyone because of their body size or hair color. She was body positive then and still is now. However, she stresses it is not her job to validate how people feel about their own bodies.

She feels bad if her weight loss has caused anyone to feel worse about themselves but it's not her job! Some people are probably going to think she's a heartless cow for saying this but she could not be more right. Instead of obese people taking it personally whenever a celeb loses weight for themselves, they should be inspired and perhaps look at it as a way to steer their own journey to weight loss and health.


  1. She's right and she should never get backlash for losing weight. Just because fat people felt some weird camaraderie about her being fat. If she's happy, let her be and mind your damn business. The world is so asinine these days.

  2. I don’t get why ppl losing weight and being healthy can cause backlash lol it’s damn stupid! Especially for a celeb they shit so shallow so deep and I agree with her
