Thursday 7 October 2021

Rihanna responds to John Mayer dinner rumors: ❝The F*ck?❞

Rihanna is not here for the rumors surrounding her love life...
Rihanna could be seen going to dinner with Sponge Bob Square Pants and the rumor mill would still go into overdrive. Doesn't matter that she went to dinner with a cartoon character, lol... except this time it turns out she may not have had dinner with anyone, least of all John Mayer. Apparently, they had dinner at the same restaurant but that may have just been a coincidence as suspiciously, they were not papped together. Either way, Rihanna is not happy with what the headlines are implying since she is blissfully in a relationship with rapper A$AP Rocky. Check out her response under a fan‘s Instagram post below. 

1 comment:

  1. I was a little suspicious when there were no actual pics of their supposed dinner date.
