Saturday 9 October 2021

Jesy Nelson finally gives a REAL response to allegations of black-fishing...

Our new Black Nubian Queen has a few things to get off her chest...
After cancelling two follow-up interviews to discuss blackfishing, Jesy Nelson’s publicist 
issued a statement on her behalf. 

Following yesterday's release of her Nicki Minaj assisted new single 'Boyz,' the 30-year-old responds to the allegations in an interview with Vulture magazine. Jesy implies the allegations only "all of a sudden" started when she left Little Mix. She says it was never her intention to deceivingly trick people into thinking she is anything other than white. "All of a sudden" huh? Translation: "this smear campaign against me is a form of sabotage so let me play victim again." By the way, people were saying it when she was in Little Mix too, so that excuse does not wash. And just to clarify...

These are Jesy's parents below:

And this is Jesy, unfiltered (right):
So hopefully this clears up the confusion. 

Quotes from the interview below.
Courtesy of Vulture.


  1. The sad thing is, she looks so much better and more likeable the way she was, blonde hair, thin lips and all. Now she just gives off unlikeable, pork star vibes with those fillers.

  2. I agree. Plus, she can still do urban music and be her real self. She is not the first white person to do R&B music and she certainly won't be the last.

  3. Precisely. Her image at the moment comes across as contrived and unauthentic.

  4. Damn… i was actually watching the video last night and my girlfriend asked if she was black and I was like yeah i think she is mixed or something 🙈🙈 i actually forgot she is white🤣🤣

  5. My mum practically ARGUED with me about it because she was so convinced lol.

  6. 🤣🤣🤣that is too funny
