Thursday 28 October 2021

Adele’s 2022 concerts in Hyde Park: 1.3 million people tried to buy tickets...

Hits Daily Double reports that 1.3 million people tried to buy tickets for two of 
Adele’s 2022 concerts in Hyde Park, London.
The concert venue has a capacity of 65K (130K for the two days combined.)
This serves as no surprise given that the pre-sale sign-up page was crashing on the day she announced it. Obviously, someone like her with a massive hype machine is going to have that kind of pull. Despite the exorbitant ticket prices being panned, the masses remained undeterred. Adele has that effect though. Demand to see her live was always going to be limitless. Folks are willing to pay such hefty prices to see a non-performer just stand there and sing. She's not Beyoncé or even prime Britney, and yet... the fight for expensive tickets has been completely insane. More shockingly, Adele is even offering payment plans to people because she knows the prices are ridiculous! If an artist has to offer payment plans, it means they're charging waaay too much. People are expected to put themselves in debt for a concert with very little showmanship! £90 to watch her on a screen. £500 just to be able to see the lines in her face up close. Gotta love an ambitious scammer, lol. Tickets go on general sale from 10am on Saturday 30th October, and those tickets are going to sell out in two minutes. The fall-out is going to be epic.


  1. I wonder if Beyonce is monitoring this she too can do this or come up with something more to superior or challenging to outdo Adele's!
