Saturday 9 October 2021

Adele unleashes extended preview of new single ❝Easy On Me❞ via Instagram Live...

The most overrated artist of the century returns. 
Adele played a snippet of her new single, Easy On Me on Instagram Live about an hour ago. 

The song drops October 15th, but she wanted fans to hear more of the song in a preview. After playing the snippet, her phone started ringing. “Oop me phones already buzzing,” she said in a panicky tone. “I’m gonna get in trouble!” Enough is heard to identify the song as thee typical Adele pop ballad, with the predictable piano and strings, the predictable black and white video, and the predictable themes and lyrics. Adele is grossly overrated. Her voice and musicality is very one dimensional. She has a powerful voice but doesn’t have the best technique or a wide vocal range. I personally believe she is a one-trick pony but I will still listen despite knowing I won't be blown away. Pitchfork and Billboard will probably hype it as the next best thing since sliced bread. 


  1. i thought she was releasing an upbeat song. ugh

  2. This is her lane. If i want an upbeat song I know who to listen to and it's definatwly NOT her. This, to me sounds great. Yes it sounds like her other songs but it's still great. She knows her lane, infact I wish more artists would know their lanes as well. You're definately right though, she is super overrated.

  3. Sounds boring. I want a "Send My Love To Your New Lover" type jam from her.

  4. The song sounds exactly as what we expect and want from an Adele song I think. But I was thinking about this last week though… once an Adele album era is over … I never go back. I realized i never listen to her old albums. So are they classics or just temporary?😬

    This new song is gonna be nr 1 around the world though as we now. There is no denying her power.

    And just watching this live on IG reminds everyone how funny she is to me it is more then just music with Adele, it is really her personality that draws me to her and the rest of the world. She is what we need from time to time🤣
