Tuesday 28 September 2021

About time: The FBI set to investigate Britney Spears’ father...

According to Deadline, federal authorities are now looking into claims that Jamie Spears and his team used invasive surveillance on Britney Spears. The FBI is allegedly investigating Jamie and team con after Hulu documentary 'Controlling Britney Spears' revealed shocking revelations that Jamie and Britney's team spied on her, monitored her phone and took secret recordings in her bedroom without her knowledge. 

Her father should be made to pay back every penny he improperly took from his own daughter. When you bring children into the world, your job is to protect them. I'm sure his intentions were good to start off with. But then he developed an obsessiveness for control and eventually the greed took over. He will probably get off lightly too, but criminal charges and jail time are deserved for everyone that participated in her suffering. Britney's next court hearing (the most important one yet) takes place tomorrow. Will the human trafficking conservatorship finally be banished?


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