Saturday 25 September 2021

Lifetime announces plastic surgery series, ❝My Killer Body with K. Michelle.❞

It's pretty safe to say K. Michelle has not had the best experience with plastic surgery. She has been mocked and laughed at after her butt implants seemingly deflated live on Instagram. She's been accused of altering her face beyond recognition and she's encountered personal health struggles after silicone injections nearly took her life. She was plunged into illness and had to undergo multiple surgeries to remove the silicone and have her body reconstructed. Keen to help men and women desperate to reverse life-threatening plastic surgery procedures, she will now reportedly participate on Lifetime's plastic surgery reversal series, 'My Killer Body with K. Michelle.' The show will premiere in January 2022. 

Butt injections and liposuction... are the most dangerous of procedures. So many women have died from them. I remember saving up some money for the lipo in my younger days and was all ready to book the procedure. I realised that working out consistently and eating healthy actually worked and hey, at least it wasn't life-threatening! When going on the operation table, surgeons aren't telling these women, "we'll do the surgery, but there's a chance you may never wake up from it." As blunt as that may sound, it needs to be said! As a celebrity, "diaper butt" will be your middle name. Not sure why anyone would want their bums to look like overexaggerated caricature versions of what they had. 100 squats a day are completely free and butt pads are cheap. Not the same effect obviously but at least you'd still be alive. 

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