Monday 6 September 2021

Chlöe Bailey unveils smoking hot ❝Have Mercy❞ artwork, stretch marks & all...

Now that Chloe Bailey is proudly flaunting her stretch marks on the official cover of her new single 'Have Mercy', perhaps women will no longer feel the need to airbrush them out of their photos. She may even spark a movement with women feeling encouraged to surgically add the tiger stripes to their bodies! Stretch marks are sexy, and Chloe proudly showing them off is empowerment. 

'Have Mercy' is officially released this Friday (September 10th), two days ahead of her highly anticipated performance at the 2021 MTV Video Music Awards this Sunday. We can probably expect the music video to drop on Friday as well. And this people, is how you do REAL promo.


  1. @Toya I told you on a post that her team wanted her to get BLONDE DREADS & you said hell naw.... Ha.Ha... I'm ready or Chloe.

  2. I remember, lol. You spilled the tea!

  3. I'm going to tell you something else.... I know someone who works at Columbia records & Destiny's child is officially going on a stadium your in 2022... #Facts Remember this post....

  4. We kind of suspected they were up to something when the record label upgraded their social media with new graphics and imagery. Her dad's denials aren't fooling anyone.

  5. Stretch Marks are just not sexy to me, though they are not a deal breaker. Showing them off in this picture looks kinda trashy paired with those horrible blonde dreads and that ill fitting shirt. I’m still anticipating the song tho. I just hope this new look is short lived.

  6. Stretch Marks are just natural. Most men and women have them...honestly, i didnt even notice them until toya mentioned them. I just noticed that outfit made by Tina Knowles
