Wednesday 8 September 2021

Britney Spears’ dad officially files to end conservatorship | Is it for real this time?

After 13 years, Britney's father James “Jamie” Spears' has officially petitioned to Los Angeles Superior Court to finally end her conservatorship. The filing adds that her circumstances have changed "to such an extent that grounds for establishment of a conservatorship may no longer exist." The last time we had similar news, it turned out he only agreed to step down "when the time was right."

I guess the right time is now since Britney hired better lawyers to have her father investigated for stealing her money. And the only reason why he's made this decision is because they clearly found out something that has his ass shook. Anyway I'll pause the celebrations for now until her conservatorship comes to an end for real. UPDATE: Turns out Pimp Daddy Spears only agreed to end it because he's TRYING to run away from accountability for his  conservatorship abuse (just as I suspected). Not on her lawyer's watch though. Mathew Rosengart is like, "b*tch, you gon answer for yo crimes!"

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