Friday 10 September 2021

Britney Spears’ 2007 VMAs dress rehearsal footage of ❝Gimme More❞ leaks online...

The full, never-before-seen footage of Britney Spears’ dress rehearsal for her performance of 'Gimme More' at the 2007 VMAs has surfaced online after 14 years. This is the ponytail version, and not the other one. CBS keeps deleting the video every time her fans upload it to YouTube. I mean, we all know it wasn't her finest moment but at least let her fans enjoy this, FFS. 

'Gimme More' was such a musical slay but the 'Blackout' era (and a very flawless project it was) had been marred by a very public break down and her kids being taken away from her custody. The last thing she probably wanted was to be up on that stage. Perhaps she had an anxiety attack, or maybe this performance was a big fat "f*** you" to everyone scrutinising her every move, and it just flew over everyone's heads.


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