Jessie J cries after struggling to utilize her vocal chords...

Jessie J, who was diagnosed with Ménière’s disease last December, took to Instagram to say she lives every day in pain and that she was left sobbing for hours after noticing the condition was 'affecting her voice.' The 33-year-old explained that she attempted to sing a song, but despite her desperate attempts, she struggled. Her vocal chords are healthy, and other glands surrounding the chords is what's derailing her singing. Ménière’s disease affects the ear and can also cause vertigo. 

Back in June, she revealed via her Instagram Stories that she had developed nodules on her vocal chords, and this has restricted her from doing any promo for her new single. Poor Jessie. Even if she recovers from her horrible throat condition, she won’t recover from those crazy Barbs still ransacking her mentions. Hope she gets well soon.