Tuesday 27 July 2021

Editors Note...

Hi all. Yours Truly did say she wouldn't be back for a good while. But after a few days, your favourite blogger came to realise she was being a bit too haste with her decision. She was being a right, bloody diva. As you can see, I have a cleaner new layout now and I've just spent the morning tweaking it and getting it ready. A couple of posts will go live within the hour. I know I've missed a lot since I disappeared for like an entire month, but sometimes circumstances happen beyond your control and you can't do much about it unfortunately.


  1. Welcome back! It's been a minute...I've been checking daily 🤣

  2. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  3. Thank God!! I've been checking here for weeks ahaha ! Hope everything is fine at home :)

  4. Checked in everyday to see if there were any updates. Glad to see your return!!

  5. Glad to see you back with the fresh look :-)
