Thursday 29 July 2021

Rihanna spends 10 hours holed up in an NYC recording studio | Photos...

A camera-shy Rihanna and boyfriend A$AP Rocky were spotted leaving Electric Lady Studios after spending 10 hours recording new music. Paparazzi at the scene claim R9 could very well be on the way after her "album team" was spotted at her studio session in New York City last night. They had better be in the production process of mixing tracks, streamlining vocals and putting finishing touches. Like honestly, the good sis has been recording this album since forever... since BeyoncĂ© gave birth to her twins. The album probably won't drop until they start school. And if she announces her own pregnancy... cue another five year wait. 


  1. Long time reader from back in toyazworld n theprophetblog days lmao, sad to say but id dare say this was for ASAPS music,glad to see youre back xxx

  2. I remember The Prophet Blog. Is it still going/rin by the same person. I Googled it and it took me to a site called VOX.

  3. I'm also a long time reader of ToyazWorld, and formerly of TheProphetBlog. (and kevipod)

    As for TheProphetBlog, his real name being Jacques, he dropped that moniker for a few years now and went as arcadey for a while.

    I remember finding an archive site from his TheProphetBlog days, but I don't know if it still exist.

    He basically stopped blogging about music anymore by stating, iirc, that it's not the trend to be a music blogger anymore and was just generally tired of it. And possibly because he was pretty unfiltered and didn't want to deal with the backlash with today's climate.

    He does have a Twitter account under name arcadeyblog.

  4. Ah, i found the archive site:

  5. I loved his blog. I had a convo with him 2 days ago and he pretty much said the exact same thing. He currently does podcasting now.
