Friday 30 July 2021

Netflix to mandate Covid-19 vaccines on productions: Good idea?

Your body, your choice. I am in no means an anti-vaxxer. However, I will never agree to people's jobs being held to ransom just because they refuse to get vaccinated. Netflix are on course to become the first major Hollywood studio to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations for all their employees. This includes actors that star in some of their biggest shows. The rule is not just implemented for the casts of all Stateside productions. Those who come into contact with them on set will also be required to get vaccinated. The semi-porny Bridgerton entails a lot of intimacy between the actors. This could also have been an influencing factor in Netflix's decision to make the vaccines mandatory. 

A lot of subscribers are boycotting and have ended their membership once the news broke out. More are threatening to do so. It doesn’t really make sense to me, because so many people that are fully vaccinated are still catching the virus and passing it on to other vaccinated people. As a matter of fact, vaccinated people pose a higher risk of spreading the infection because many of them believe that being vaccinated equates to exemption of no longer needing to wear a mask. 

As a result of high infection rates among the fully vaccinated, a lot of countries are starting to enforce masks again. The vaccines are not stopping transmission. They're not stopping people from getting sick. A more realistic approach would be to make frequent testing mandatory. Next step in this farce? "You are no longer allowed to share your Netflix account with the unvaccinated." Next step after that? "Only the vaccinated can watch Netflix. Please enter your Covid vaccination serial number to watch this show." Eek! Imagine this actually being a thing one day?

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