Friday 30 July 2021

Christina Aguilera excited to release her ❝happy place❞ music...

Often times, artists produce their best work when they're going through dark times in life. One of the reasons why Christina Aguilera's 'Stripped' album was so well received is because she was depressed. She poured all of her feelings into the music. Now she tells Billboard that her upcoming album (the English one) will have a "completely different energy." She goes on to say, "joy isn't always a place where I've made music from, so this is really a beautiful time for me to release material that I truly love in this happy place I'm in." Cue the uptempo dance numbers. Christina is ready to put her foot on necks, unleashing that fun and carefree side of herself.


  1. She’s better off re-releasing 20th anniversary edition of Stripped and going on a tour to support it lol.

  2. Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but I hated "Stripped". With the exception of "Dirrty", just couldn't vibe to any of those songs. Much more preferred "Back to Basics", Mark Ronson laced her with two of my favourite songs from her entire catalogue. Can't wait to see what he and Adele cook up.
