Thursday 1 July 2021

Britney Spears’ request to remove father as conservator denied by judge...

Britney Spears’ petition to remove her father as her sole conservator have been denied. Her attorney Samuel Ingham III filed the request back in November 2020, stating that she was “afraid of her father” and would refuse to perform again if he continued to be in charge of her career. Wednesday’s court filing states that the court found the singer to be “substantially unable to manage her financial resources or to resist fraud or undue influence.” Documents were signed by Judge Brenda Penny yesterday, just a week after Britney‘s shock testimony where she revealed her conservatorship was “abusive.” What are the chances a certain someone is being paid off?


  1. My thoughts exactly. It is all very weird to me

  2. Outrageous. What's the issue in removing him and having someone impartial be her conservator instead. There's clearly a conflict of interest here, just look at the state of their relationship as a result.

  3. Toya is sadly no longer with us

  4. Omg... What happened??

  5. @Diogo Santos - A very bad viral infection 2 weeks ago. Thoughts and prayers are with her 4 children and family.

  6. This is VERY sad, I'm always on her blog...

  7. No way omg. Please tell me this is not true. I've visited her blog everyday for years so this is so heartbreaking ��

    Please be false omg Toya no. ������

  8. If true, RIP Toya. I’ve visited this website for long as I can remember (2007-08, maybe earlier?). I’m saddened she never got the flowers she deserved but her work spoke for itself. She was amazing blogger. My condolences go out to her family and friends.

  9. I'm just reading in the comment section the news of Toyas death!! Please can we the readers have a final post sharing the news in a more formal manner. She really deserved that. Is there any way we can donate or send flowers? She was so private about her life but was an amazing and thoughtful blogger, who shared her love for music so generously with us readers, could we get a post just explaining more of who she was, where she grew up, lived, died, worked so sad. Rest in peace, dear sweet Toya. We love you and will miss you so much!

  10. It's so sad to read in the comment section that Toya has passed away. I have visited this site for years and never commented but I'm moved and feel so heartbroken to learn she's gone. I didn't know Toya personally but things like this really remind you that life is short. We must be kind to eachother and live life with love. RIP Toya x

  11. @Michelle I definitely agree... I been checking her blog daily since 2010...

  12. I'm a close friend - the service took place today and it was just lovely.

  13. I've been reading the comments and I've got a side eye for the people claiming to be "close friends" but commenting anonymously, let alone the random comment alleging Toya has passed.

    Toya has taken time away from the blog before.

  14. Thank you Ri. Anonymous is lying. Anyone that's followed me for the past 15 years knows I take lengthy breaks and blog on and off. I've been doing that for years. The only thing they got right was that I contracted covid 3 weeks ago and I'm assuming that was just a calculated guess. I was moderately ill. But I was never at death's door. Didn't go to hospital or suffer any breathing problems, so in that regard, I was very lucky. I just had some muscle pains, headaches and lost my appetite. Having said that, I know some of you are going to be sad about this, but I have made the difficult decision not to continue with this blog. I got infected and woke up one morning and decided I just didn't want to do it anymore. I've had these feelings before so I'm sure I'll be back at some point, lol. This isn't a "goodbye", it's more of a "see you later." And thank you to everyone for supporting and reading my blog over the years. I appreciate every single one of you. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

    ps. FOUR KIDS?!?! I wish!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry to hear this - you'll be missed and thanks for all the enjoyment your given your readers!

  17. I’m angered but happy this was a hoax. People on the internet are just downright horrible. And for them to come back and say they went to your funeral service? Heartless!!

  18. SMH at that sick person spreading fake things about you, that is disgusting. However I'm SO glad and relieved you're fine even though you have covid and mild symptoms, hope you get well soon. As for you not wanting to continue with the blog, honestly whatever you want to do I will respect and support your decision as it's your blog of course. We will miss you a lot. Love you Toya!

  19. The hoaxer was me! Haha it was a deliberate effort on my part to draw you out, and it worked (eventually). Note I was careful not to claim you were dead, I'd never wish that on anybody. Sad to hear the news that you won't be returning, I've been a visitor since 2005 when the now famous MNEK did your banners and commented frequently alongside the likes of Mia, Lola, Nathan, Mileka and Ganib. But I understand and wish you the best ❣

  20. Wow you took it waaaay back with those names. Oh my God, yes. And I suspected that was your plan πŸ˜†. It definitely worked but I would have come back and updated everyone.

    Guys, I'm going to miss you too πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

  21. I am relieved you’re well! I’ve been a daily visitor since 2007 and to think you were no longer with us cut me to my core. I remember MNEK and the crew on the message board and seeing the comments sent a rushing flood of memories. To anonymous, not funny and Toya is entitled to however long she wants to take a break. Don’t insinuate someone’s death like you did, especially with a pandemic. That’s sickening. Ugh, I need a drink πŸ₯ƒ
