Thursday 17 June 2021

Mariah Carey revives 'Obsessed' video for Tik Tok challenge #Anniversary

It's been exactly 12 years since Mariah Carey dropped her diss record 'Obsessed.' A top 10 hit, which was centred around Eminem's infatuation with her. She dressed up as him in the video, which caused him to clap back at her aggressively. And to celebrate the song's anniversary, she does so again for Tik Tok's #WipeItDownChallenge. Will Eminem clap back? Maybe they should get it over with and have hot sex.


  1. Well she says it's from last year, so she gets a pass on my "hasn't she got anything better to do" question.

    "Obsessed" is the worst single of her career imo.

  2. I'm impartial. Don't love it but don't dislike it either. I think that was a creative downgrade for her; only because you can hear The Dream's signature imprint all over it. And as a result made the record very generic.
