Friday 11 June 2021

Christina Aguilera | New album out later "this year," says producer...

In a new interview with Music Radar, producer Federico Vindver states, “I’m finishing Christina Aguilera’s album which will also be out this year." The producer says he's also finishing up new albums for Justin Timberlake and Kanye West. A 6-month time frame is totally unrealistic, given her history for taking 5-year breaks between albums. Her last one 'Liberation' was released three years ago in 2018. When she's ready, hopefully her rollout is iron-clad. Promo campaigns have always been a problem. Perhaps she just has a preference to make her income through one day private gigs. That way she gets to hop back on a plane, go home and enjoy life with her family. A very cushy life after years of gruelling schedules and worldwide tours.


  1. Is she still in demand?
    She was a talented draw back in the day, but I guess it has been the marketing promotion roll out that has made her appeal suffer. Even with a Las Vegas residency, it’s more nostalgia than a hot ticket must see.


  2. Is she still in demand?
    She was a talented draw back in the day, but I guess it has been the marketing promotion roll out that has made her appeal suffer. Even with a Las Vegas residency, it’s more nostalgia than a hot ticket must see.


  3. Probably not but with the exception of Beyoncé, which late 90s debuting pop star is in great demand in 2021?

  4. Ciara? Lol

    Ain’t no lies told…. BeyoncĂ© reigns and Alicia and Ciara like to host awards show.
