Thursday 24 June 2021

Britney Spears conservators seriously deserve jail time...

In what has sent ripples of shock (and disgust) around the world, Britney Spears revealed she wanted to have another baby but was forced by her conservators to have an IUD implanted in her body to prevent pregnancy. This has stripped her of her rights to reproductive choice and bodily autonomy. At first I was wondering how this was done and how something like this could even be legal? 

Did they heavily drug her and force her to have the invasive procedure? 
Did they manipulate her with horrific threats? As in... "You can't see your kids, you can't have a vacation, you can't spend any more of YOUR money." ACTUAL THREATS of theirs whenever she wouldn't comply to their demands. After all, her explosive testimony pretty much indicated that she was often punished and threatened whenever she tried to fight back and have her say. She would be threatened with legal action if she didn't go on tour or attend certain meetings. 

If this is a court ordered IUD, then the system failed her just as badly as the abusers managing that fraudulent conservatorship. They ALL should go to jail for bullying, kidnapping, gaslighting, drug abuse, theft, extortion, body violation and all sorts of crimes that appear to be endless.

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