Friday 11 June 2021

Beyoncé offers an olive branch to Kanye West...

Beyoncé wished Kanye West a happy birthday this week. The singer and her husband Jay Z were once close friends with West. They cut ties with him, allegedly because they didn't want to have a friendship with his wife Kim as they felt it would have hurt their brand. When they refused to attend his wedding, the drift opened up wider than the red sea. He would go on to trash the couple on stage and in his music. Now that Kanye is divorcing Kim, it appears Beyoncé is ready to offer him an olive branch. Jay and Kanye had a somewhat friendly reunion at Diddy's 50th in 2019 but whether they can go back to the way things were is yet to be seen.


  1. Funny, cause in the end Kim seems to be the sane and more mature one in this relationship...

  2. And she more plastic than a Barbie factory….
