Saturday 19 June 2021

Azealia Banks drags Candace Owens over negative Juneteenth remark...

How can you be black and not honour Juneteenth? Why be so dismissive and disrespectful towards the experiences of your enslaved ancestors? Makes no sense. Anyway, Azealia Banks calls out Political head Candace Owens for commenting that she would rather celebrate July 4th over Juneteenth. Owens remarks were made following reports that President Joe Biden had passed a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery.

Owens reaction upon hearing this good news?
Banks may be problematic at times but the below response was a fantastic read. An eloquent, flawless drag if ever I've seen one. Sis should write some books.


  1. Ppl sleep on her intelligence due to how deliver her shit sometimes but she spoke no lies tbh!

  2. Awards need to be given. This is her lane when she does it right.
