Mary J. Blige gets inducted into the Apollo Theater's Walk Of... Shame?!

There isn’t enough respect or flowers that can ever be given to the legendary Mary J. Blige. So wonderful it is to see she's getting them while she can still smell 'em! The Queen of Hip Hop Soul saw her storied music career immortalized yesterday while she was inducted into the Walk of Fame at the legendary Apollo Theater in New York. She first performed at the Apollo Theater in 1990 as a backup singer to rapper Father MC during 'Showtime at the Apollo.' She has since performed at the Apollo several times herself. Of course, when one recieves a little joy and momentum, something dark and sinister is never too far behind, hovering around in the shadows. 

At the same time of her honouring, former Death Row singer Danny Boy has been airing her out claiming she slept with him when he was 16 and she was 24. His timing is simply right on the money.