Saturday 1 May 2021

Janet Jackson set to get a ❝Framing Britney Spears❞ style documentary.

Looks like Justin Timberlake is set to encounter another epic dragging. 

If this is what taking an L looks like... well, let's just say dude must be somewhere crying himself a river. 

The producers behind 'Framing Britney Spears' are said to be working on a documentary about Janet Jackson's infamous Super Bowl moment as a vindication for the singer. 

They’re reaching out to everyone involved; dancers, stylists, and directors. 

CBS CEO Les Moonves and his alleged aggressive smear campaign to ruin her career will also be looked into, but Janet will not be expected to participate. Left/Right TV are partnering with the New York Times to produce it, and it will also broadcast on FX and Hulu. 

One wonders... what carefully crafted statement will Justin's PR team come up with next after it has aired?

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